Key signs that your generator radiator needs maintenance

Generators are used across a wide range of industry areas, providing an essential source of power for businesses, homes and industrial sites. Maintenance is essential for these to keep the system running effectively and efficiently, and for preventing small problems from going unnoticed, and becoming more costly and damaging. The radiator is a crucial component within the generator. This plays an essential role reducing the temperature of the engine and preventing this from overheating, so that the generator can function effectively and efficiently. But what are the key signs that your generator radiator needs maintenance? And why is this so important?

What are the key signs that your generator radiator needs maintenance?

There are a number of key signs that your generator radiator needs maintenance. These include:

  • An increase in engine temperatures
  • Low coolant levels 
  • Coolant leaks or puddles
  • Rust or corrosion 

Increase in engine temperatures indicate important required maintenance 

One of the most obvious signs that your generator’s radiator needs maintenance is an increase in engine temperature. The radiator is designed to dissipate the heat generated by the engine as it runs. This means that if it becomes clogged or damaged, the engine will struggle to stay within safe temperature limits. You might notice the temperature gauge reading higher than normal, or in some cases, you may see warning lights on the generator’s control panel.

If left unchecked, this issue can escalate and lead to overheating, which can cause serious and costly engine damage. A thorough inspection of the radiator, including its coolant levels and potential blockages, should be undertaken as soon as possible to avoid expensive repairs or the need for a full engine rebuild.

Low levels of coolant means that your generator radiator needs maintenance 

Coolant is the fluid that helps carry heat away from the engine, allowing the radiator to cool the generator effectively. If the radiator is not functioning properly, you may notice that the coolant levels are consistently low. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as a coolant leak in the radiator or connecting hoses. Any leak, large or small, can become a significant issue as without enough coolant, the engine will quickly overheat.

Another possible cause of low coolant levels is that this is evaporating because the radiator is not maintaining proper pressure. 

In both cases, the radiator will require immediate professional inspection and maintenance to prevent further damage. Topping up coolant without addressing the root cause will only provide a temporary solution.

Coolant leaks or puddles are clear signs of necessary maintenance 

Any visible signs of coolant leaking around the generator or under it should not be ignored. Coolant leaks can occur due to corrosion, cracks, or punctures in the radiator, or because of worn seals and gaskets. When coolant escapes, it leaves the radiator unable to regulate temperature effectively, increasing the likelihood of the generator engine overheating.

Regularly inspect your generator and the area where it is stored for signs of leaking coolant. A green or orange-coloured fluid pooling near the generator is a sure indication that the radiator needs urgent maintenance. Taking rapid action to correct this and address the underlying problem can prevent this from becoming a more problematic and costly issue, and can ensure that your generator continues to operate when needed.

Rust or corrosion on the radiator indicates required maintenance 

Finally, visible rust and corrosion on generator radiators indicates a significant issue. A rusted radiator is likely compromised, internally and externally, and as such will struggle to cool the engine, leading to bigger problems.

Rust on the radiator can also lead to leaks, blockages and reduced heat transfer efficiency. 

If you notice rust patches, even small ones, it’s a sign that the radiator may soon fail and should be inspected by a professional. Routine maintenance checks can help spot early signs of corrosion, allowing you to address them before they lead to more serious issues.

Here at MRS Heat Transfer we are radiator, car heater, intercooler, generator radiator, and air conditioning experts, and we have the skills, knowledge and expertise to resolve any generator radiator problem. Why not get in touch today to find out more?