Regassing the air conditioning system in your car

Air conditioning keeps the cabin of your vehicle at a comfortable and suitable temperature for driving, particularly in the summer months. However, this crucial system does require regular maintenance to continue to function as it should. One important element of this, regassing the air conditioning system. But what is this? What does it involve? And why is regassing the air conditioning system in your car necessary?

What does regassing involve?

Also known as topping up the coolant, regassing the air condition system involves adding coolant, often referred to as gas, to the air conditioning system so that this can absorb the heat, and get rid of this outside of the vehicle, to provide effective cooling and temperature control. Coolant plays an essential role in this cooling process and over time, the level of coolant can reduce, often due to leaks or system inefficiencies, but more frequently due to the natural gas exchange process. 

The process of regassing typically involves the following steps:

  • Inspection- It’s important that the AC system is inspected for any damage, problems or leaks, before new coolant is added. This is essential for avoiding any recurring problems or issues that may arise in the long run.  
  • Evacuation- This refers to removing all of the old coolant from the system. This can help to avoid blockages or corrosion problems over time, and this process helps to remove any moisture or air from the system, ensuring it is clean and dry before the new coolant is added.
  • Regassing- Following this, the AC system will then be regassed with the correct amount of coolant. This will differ depending on the make and model of your vehicle, and should be applied in line with the specific recommendations. 
  • Testing- Once the system has been regassed, this will need to be tested to make sure that it is performing optimally. Our team will also be sure to check for leaks or other problems. 

Why is regassing the air conditioning system in your car necessary?

There are a number of significant reasons why regassing the air conditioning system in your car is necessary. These include:

  • Optimal performance- The right level of coolant levels in your AC system can ensure optimal performance. Levels that are too low can lead to a decrease in AC performance, and this can have a range of knock on problems. Keeping your coolant levels topped up can ensure that your vehicle cools quickly, and to the right temperature, for maximum driving comfort. 
  • Preventing damage- Not enough coolant in the AC system can lead to a range of problems and issues, including causing the compressor to overwork. This is a crucial element, often described as the heart of the air conditioning system, and any issues with this can lead to overheating, increased wear and tear, and ultimately, costly repairs.
  • Fuel efficiency- Another important benefit of regassing your AC system is that this can help improve your fuel efficiency.  An AC system that is struggling due to a lack of coolant will cause the engine to work harder to power the system, which can lead to an increase in fuel consumption and spending. 

Here at MRS Heat Transfer we are radiator, car heater, intercooler, and air conditioning experts, and we have the skills, knowledge and expertise to resolve any air conditioning or car heater problem. Why not get in touch today to find out more?